Newsletter for this Season - Seedtime & Harvest
“Listen to our highlight reel... Join us for continued success and progress moving into 2015! ....So much is happening - new Adult Programs, Junior Academy, court fixing and more.”
Tree Lighting @ Homer Ford Tennis Center
Players Being Mentored During a Trip To Austin, Texas
Luke, Nia, Myles having fun in Austin Texas after practicing at the Austin Tennis Academy. The following day they went to a mentoring session below.
In the office of Astonish Designs with Tim Hamilton (former Team Cooper member)
Video of players at Astonish Designs office being Introduced.
After an awesome mentoring session with Tim Hamilton... players were introduced to team members of Astonish Designs office in Austin Texas.
An Evening with Zina Garrison at her Foundation's Gala.
Jesse Cooper, Zina Garrison, Matt McBride at the Zina Garrison Gala
Carl Lewis (track star & legend) with Matt McBride (tennis player & future icon) at Zina's Gala
Aspiring ATP Tour player, Myles Martin (pro) Winning Doubles
Myles Martin in photo with his sister Nia. Myles won the Doubles at the Pro/Am benefiting the Zina Garrison Foundation.
Jesse Cooper Audio on Developing the Community & Tennis
A chat with Matt McBride regarding Houston & Clay Courts
Visual Truth... Our Power Pics
Houston Council Member Dwight Boykins of District D is committed to Supporting HFTC Tennis, MacGregor Park & ParksToPros
Now Do You See Why We Need Courts...?
Can we produce professional players in these conditions? We are trying... And will succeed - with your support.